What if we take actors who are used to working in a theatre box, a director, Vlad nastavshev, permanent resident of the New RIga Theatre and Gogol-Center, a play by Sergey Ukhanov, and then mix the ingredients in Zoom? The characters have spent so much time in isolation, — that the sense of time and space has blurred. Facts become entangled with fantasies, grudges become joys, hopes transform into memories. Sergey Ukhanov's text puts on masks of a social drama, a crime story, a symbolic mystery or a soap opera. As if all the unclaimed drafts by Shakespeare, Goncharov, Kafka, Wilde and Chesterton formed one whole metatext and spring out of the performers against their will.
Nastavshev takes the characters isolation square into Zoom windows, placing them into a space where it is almost impossible to distinguish a truth from a fake proof. The story turns upside down with every pivot of the plot, and all we have left is the reality of our bodies inscribed, nevertheless, into the same space with the performers.